My Journey to This Point: Why I Decided to Branch Out on My Own
Hi, my name is Amina Mehdi, or better known as Cosmetic Nurse Amina. I am so excited to welcome you into this realm of the website! I intend for my blogs to be a light read; to give you an insight into who I am and what my passions are. I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them!
I have dedicated the past 15+ years to the medical aesthetic industry. At the start of my career, I understood that I needed to pay my dues in order to claim that I’m an expert in this field. It was not always easy, as you need patience and determination, but I knew it was a must as I am a huge believer in quality!
Achieving the appropriate knowledge and skills was critical for two reasons: a) I have perfectionist tendencies, and b) I needed my patients to feel secure in their choice of provider. I set out to make it my mission to build a professional portfolio that I could be proud of by revolving my education solely around this industry and being particular to what positions I accepted in order to accumulate the absolute best work experience. My love and passion for what I do have allowed me to develop myself so well professionally that it finally led me to open my own clinic, Honnête Clinique.
“As your provider, I look to treat the face as a whole, I then customize a treatment plan that may include a combination of procedures, no matter what your age, for the most natural looking you.”
When you think of branching out and opening your own business, the idea is exciting, the execution is nerve-wracking! I got to the point where I had reached my capacity of growth working for others. Entrepreneurship just seemed like the next natural step. I had worked so hard to be viewed upon as the consummate professional and leader, I thought to myself, “I’ve got this!”. The decision to open an independent practice was never calculated; it was not preplanned. It was a decision that happened on a whim, and I just went with it.
What was the worst that could happen?!?
Well, I leaped and decided to open Honnête Clinique shortly after COVID-19 was declared a pandemic! It was not until we were ALL in lockdown that I realized how unhappy I had been! In all honesty, trying to reach out for advice was not helpful. Everyone told me to hold off because of all the uncertainty and restrictions that were and still are in place. In my heart, I just knew it was now or never! I told myself, “Nothing is going to change in my life until I take ACTION!”. It is easier said than done, as I felt so lost and overwhelmed by this life-changing decision! I had underestimated what my struggles would be as a business owner. After going through the panic stages of losing stability, I got to the point where enough was ENOUGH!
Breathe and take a step back when you’re anxious. Important decisions in life cannot happen without a sound mind. Once I understood that I accepted that some circumstances were out of my control. I then began the process of reflecting on where my priorities should be. It was through that deep reflection that I gained the CLARITY that I needed. I remind myself daily to have patience, nothing happens overnight.
It has been less than a year since I made this decision to journey out on my own. In this short period, I have learned so much! I would like to share these valuable pieces of guidance for anyone reading this who is going through a similar reflective experience, or would like to enter the industry themselves:
Never get comfortable; continually challenge yourself for growth to take place.
This industry is ever-changing, do not get self-assured with how “experienced” you are, keep investing in your education to continue learning.
Humble yourself, as it really should feel like your very first day all over again!
Be cool, calm, collected, and confident in yourself!
Believe in your unique craft, stay dedicated to your vision, avoid comparisons, and maintain professionalism in your practice.
Remember to learn to be in the moment and appreciate the journey of it all. Your thought process will make a world of difference!
Your positive aura and your vision will help you build a great team that believes in you even when you’re experiencing those hurdles. Above all, have faith that all your sleepless nights will pay off! I am a firm believer that things do happen at the right time; it just works out when it is meant to be. This decision to journey out on my own has been the BIGGEST and BEST investment I’ve made; it showed me how much I believe in myself, and for that reason, I am appreciative and grateful to all of our patients and partners!
I’m looking forward to sharing with all of you, my Honnête readers, my experience in the field of cosmetic medicine, beauty & skincare tips, life hacks & advice, and my overall journey. Thank you truly for your support; I feel blessed that you are a part of our community at Honnête Clinique ♡
The Honnête Team: on the left is Ana my Social Media Manager & on the right is Vivi my Business Associate.