(Belkyra aka Kybella)
What is Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid)?
Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid) is a naturally occurring molecule in the body that aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat.
How does Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid) work?
The active ingredient, deoxycholic acid, targets and eliminates fat cells when injected into the treatment area. It gradually improves the treatment area over a number of treatment sessions. Once desired results are achieved, re-treatment is not expected.
What causes stubborn fat?
Sometimes, no matter how much you diet or exercise, fullness in certain areas of the body, also referred to as stubborn fat, may not go away and makes you feel heavier than you actually are. Both women and men can be affected by this aesthetic concern. Causes may include but not limited to:
Aging: It may develop naturally as you age
Genetics: It may be a part of your DNA
Weight Changes: It may be a result of gaining weight
Is Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid) right for me?
Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid) may be right for you if:
You are bothered by stubborn fat
Surgery is not an option
You eat well and exercise, but that stubborn fat does not go away
What areas can I treat with Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid)?
Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid) is the first and only non-surgical treatment in Canada for improvement of the appearance of fullness in the area under the chin. However, other treatment areas of concern may be assessed by your provider to determine if this procedure is appropriate.
How is Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid) administered?
Your provider will discuss your treatment goals and perform an analysis of the treatment area to determine the appropriate recommendation for you. Appointment time is 1 hour and the actual injection process takes about 15-20 minutes. Your provider will administer a series of injections into the treatment area at each session.
How many treatments will I need?
Many patients treated with Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid) experience visible improvement in 2-4 treatments spaced one month apart. Some people require up to 6 treatments in order to achieve results. Once your goals have been met, re-treatment is not expected. Full results from one treatment can take up to two months, however, treatments are able to be spaced one month apart.
Is there downtime?
For most patients, swelling to the treated area may occur and will last for about one week. Typically, downtime is minimal and occurs most commonly after the first treatment session. When scheduling your treatments, keep your social plans and work commitments in mind.
Will I experience side effects?
The most common side effects are swelling, bruising, pain, and numbness. Side effects are generally mild to moderate and decrease with subsequent treatments.
What to expect on treatment day?
Prior to administering Belkyra aka Kybella (Deoxycholic Acid), your provider may apply ice/cold packs or topical numbing agent to the treatment area to make you more comfortable. You may take an over-the-counter pain reliever (such as Tylenol) before your appointment. Mild pain may be felt right after treatment but decreases repaid within 15 minutes. Post-injection, you may apply ice or cold pack to the treatment area for 10 to 15 minutes, as needed.