Deoxycholic Acid
(Belkyra aka Kybella)
Pre-Treatment Instructions
· 3 DAYS BEFORE treatment: AVOID using active ingredients such as Retinol, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Glycolic, etc. Also, AVOID waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or the use of hair removal cream on the area to be treated.
· 7 DAYS BEFORE treatment (to prevent bruising): AVOID blood thinning over-the-counter medications such as Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, and Aleve. Also avoid herbal supplements, such as Garlic, Vitamin E, Ginkgo Biloba, St. John’s Wort, and Omega-3 capsules. Please note: If you have a cardiovascular history, please check with your doctor prior to stopping the use of Aspirin.
· DO NOT drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before (or after) your treatment to avoid extra bruising.
· Deoxycholic Acid should not be administered if you are pregnant, nursing, trying to get pregnant, have experienced hypersensitivity in the past, if you have severe allergies, and should not be used in areas of active inflammation or infection (cysts, pimples, rash). Thyroid disease/conditions should be ruled out prior to use as a potential contributing cause of submental convexity/fullness. You should not get this procedure if you currently have or have a history of nerve damage, facial paralysis, facial movement issues, difficulty swallowing, bleeding problems, and/or prior or planned surgery, cosmetic treatments, or medical conditions on or near the face, neck or chin. These conditions may be contraindications to receiving the treatment. Treatment should not be undertaken if you are ill.
· If you are a male, you should be clean-shaven (neck).
Day of Treatment
· To maximize your comfort during the procedure, a topical anesthetic may be applied. In some cases, a local numbing medication will be injected into or around the area(s) to be treated.
· You may experience a mild amount of tenderness or a stinging sensation following each injection. Mild pain is felt immediately post-treatment but decreases rapidly within 15 minutes.
Post-Treatment Instructions
· You may experience tenderness, redness, swelling, asymmetry, or itching to the treated area(s). This is a normal result of the injection and generally resolves in a few days. Bruising generally peaks around day 3 and begins to heal subsequently (on average, 7-10 days to resolve). Swelling is usually significant in the first couple of days to a week. Patients report looking like a “bullfrog” with a lot of fluid in the skin under the chin; this is normal. Please keep in mind social events when booking your appointment.
· Numbness is common for the first few weeks to a month. Discomfort and tenderness to the touch are also common in that time frame. Depending upon the area(s) treated and product(s) used, you may feel “firmness” in the treated area(s) for 1 to 2 weeks after treatment. Over time, the area(s) will soften and “settle”. Do not rub the area treated. Do not massage the area. You may apply cool compresses/ice for 15 minutes/hour for comfort and to reduce swelling.
· On average, patients require 2-6 treatments of Deoxycholic Acid; treatments can be spaced 1 month apart. True results from one treatment can be expected at 8 weeks (after all the swelling has resolved).
· AVOID alcoholic beverages for 24 hours. 48 hours after your procedure, you may begin adding ginkgo biloba, garlic, flax oil, cod liver oil, vitamin A, vitamin E and/or any other essential fatty acids.
· AVOID exercise or strenuous activities for the remainder of the treatment day; you may resume normal activities/routines the following day.
· You may take Acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort. AVOID Ibuprofen/Advil for 24 hours.
· AVOID extended UV exposure until any redness/swelling has subsided. Be sure to apply an SPF 30 or higher sunscreen. AVOID extreme heat such as sauna and steam rooms etc.
· No cosmetic makeup for 24 hours. Makeup may be used as long as skin is not broken or irritated. To cover bruising, a green concealer followed by your normal foundation works best. All brushes and sponges should be cleaned prior to use.
· If bruising appears, we recommend arnica pellets (oral) &/or gel (topical). We also recommend eating fresh pineapple as it is really rich in the enzyme Bromelain which will help to settle inflammation. Untreated bruising will generally fade in 5 to 14 days.
· AVOID using irritants (active ingredients such as Retinol, Alpha Hydroxy Acid, Glycolic, etc.) until all redness/swelling resolves. Also, AVOID waxing, bleaching, tweezing, or the use of hair removal cream.
· Try to sleep upright, not on your side for the first 48 hours to take the pressure off your neck.
· Do not have major dental work (excluding routine cleanings) for 2 weeks after the proposed injection procedure.
· If laser treatment, chemical peel, or any other procedure is considered after dermal filler treatment, the risk of eliciting an inflammatory process may be possible. Consider such treatments 1 week before and/or 2 weeks after the procedure.
· You should immediately notify us if you have any questions or concerns, or see any signs of problems (severe or extended: pain, redness, swelling, bruising, lumpiness, a sign of infection, blood supply compromise, trouble swallowing, uneven smile or trouble with moving the mouth/chin, or other). Signs of blood supply compromise include blanching or whitening/darkening/blackening of the skin, any discoloration, pain, or skin break/sloughing.
· Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.